Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My attendance in a mini workshop - Heal Your Life - Louise Hay

This review is for the 2nd workshop held at the same venue of the 1st workshop. That was a saturday, This day was a Sunday. Timing 9:30 am * amazement look* OOOhhhhhh, aaaahhhh, sunday morning !!!!! 
All i can say to this is "Whuuuu bring it on !!! what a rush !!! exciting! amazing !!! good decision too!! The sweet people at ISRA at the "east meets west " welcome done, "hellooooos" said at random and seated where empty space available !!

Now i found myself in attendance on the "Louise Hay" mini workshop. New faces , new energy into the room, and yes the room was packed with energy. "Wwwwhhuuuuuuuu bring it on !!" once again.

The trainer was a nice lady who had attended the original "Louise Hay" workshop, travelled & trained across the globe. There was something simple yet magnetic about this lady. Somehow i could relate this lady was someone who walks her talk.  After the first few minutes i could see this lady was in her element of training work. She knew her stuff! she had a work book in hand and all material handouts given. I could already anticipate this workshop would NOT finish off in 4 hours time !!! Was i correct? * nods head in agreement *

Few moments as usual entertained me, as i smiled to myself listening to the different participants. Some had read the works of Louise Hay and some had not. This was the bonding factor between the trainer and the people around.
Me? I choose to be silent. I kept my urge to speak out mainly because my cup was not yet full, There is a threshold of silence i choose, and then i normally burst out. My cup was NOT yet full. I need that listening, I paid money to listen ? not to speak out ? Hehehehehe!!! Jokes aside.
I listened and i heard, and i listened and i heard , a lot of knowledge flowing criss cross from trainer to the participants and from them back to the trainer. I spoke when the cup of my inner silence flowed over. 

I knew what i had to take back from this workshop! I awaited for that moment. I needed some personal revision on manifestation and affirmations. The workshop unfolded and wham the time to sip tea came. 
There were 2 ladies from the 1st workshop and the new participants were none the less in energy. Someone was smiling, someone was giving out grouchy suspicious looks, some were bonding, and few like me were in silence. Now amazing thing i noticed within the room. 

I could write a chapter on this new finding. Power ! dare i label it ?
Within the room everyone was automatically a group.even before they realized it. The silent peeps sat together , the agressive peeps sat together, the learned sat together and the trainer gurus sat together. I noticed this within the first few moments of settling in. Now no one knew each other yet the room automatically had this configuration. Was this going to help ? I guess, lets see i said to myself.
There was a moment in the workshop which allowed us to interact with people who perceive us to be different than they are. Yet i suspected people who were the same interacted. Reason ? People hate changes. Or may be i perceived them to be same? 

In the workshop, message cards were handed out to be exchanged with strangers within the room. Every one was smiling and i found one particular card come across to me exchanged 3 times right till the end of the workshop. 
Ultimately when i read that card for the 3rd time , at the end of the workshop, someone asked me if they could exchange this card with theirs? I exchanged it and the new card unfolded the clues that i needed , to move ahead in life.  The die was cast  and the various messages was read. I could relate to the messages. 

I held back till i could but then at a moment I had to speak about "attention & intention" to the group.They listened, they nodded. Even if one of them really understood this concept, they would have much more value addition in their daily life. What you put your attention on is not necessarily to be your intention. Me, i intend not to fall sick even if someone in the room has sniffling cold. My attention is on my good health not their sickness. I intend to feel happy and healthy wherever i am , with whosoever i am. 

There was a fantastic exercise of "affirmation bath" wherein i found myself seated with my eyes closed surrounded by a small group of people who repeated the affirmations around me. 
This was a forceful amazing powerful moment.  Towards the end of this "affirmation bath" all i could do was "thank you "the people who spoke those affirmations to me. "Whhhuuuuuu" once again, amazing! I thank the people seated around me twice. It was their attention on my intention. This is a powerful moment.
Its not easy for me to keep my eyes closed in company of strangers. And this went through flawlessly no tension no pressure. May be "the power" i said previously took over and i could somehow "trust" myself to keep my eyes closed for those 2 minutes.
Later on i asked myself if i could have closed my eyes to any other 3 participants? Ummm Nopes!!this temporary bonding group was meant to be. Somehow i understood the seating arrangement that i had noticed upon the start of this workshop. They didnt plan it, i noticed it, and i felt it had to have a reason. This was the reason ? May be, may be not, who knows.

The session took well over the time allocated and the previously given handouts were helpful take outs from this workshop.
Bye bye's said and workshop done. 1 day later i found my personal space and thats when i decided a review should be posted here. This is it!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Witnessing nature at its finest

See this picture, It is a picture of an orchid plant on my balcony . 2 events forced me to take a picture of this plant. One the "bending or turning " flowering stem. 

The question that came in my mind was " look at the child being nutured by the main stem, who and how made it turn, why this angle and why after such a long growth of stem?

The reply came, when the flowering stem gives its flowering it will need an extra support at THAT length and THAT moment of flowering time.  Is this not a wonderful planning and sequence of event unfolding ? The moment could not gather enough knowledge and verbal  languages restrict me to express this feeling.

The closest language allows me to admire my amazement at nature is a line from the lyrics of the song " Sound of silence - People talking without speaking" . For me this is mother nature talking without speaking.
To recap i am amazed that mother nature first put in the main stem , then after months a new stem came next to it, then a new flowering stem came up and it grew straight for a few days and today i see this wonderful change turn resting on the main stem. This means , to take care of the flowering stem, nature had already planned the single main stem long long long moments ago. 
A movie i recently saw had these lines in it " Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away."
How true, how true i said to myself , as i pulled the camera away from the amazement.

Same plant, same day , see the new stem coming up from the base , second amazing moment isnt it ? This is a moment that takes my breath away. Amazing nature, Life too unfolds similarly, Thus relax and let nature do its perfection. An audio i heard long time back had this line in it " in my world everything is perfect"
I choose to accept this line and let perfection unfold life with me as a participant in it. 
One of my lines :- Nature made everything, why resist and fight with mother nature? You cannot win anyways, so why crib or fight nature? Join nature and be a witness to the unfolding.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My attendance in a mini workshop - Exploring your inner child

Who? What?  I am 37 years old and you want me to explore my inner child?
Ever heard from someone you love utmost " Stop acting like a child/ or You are a child " ? Well i have heard this line from someone i loved utmost many a times.

Alrighty then, ever witnessed this moment ?:- you wake up and the first thought that strikes you is i am a child,i dont have to worry about time. Then you ask yourself,what is the time right now? your half open eyes and you feel 2 possibilities. 1) it is the normal time you wake up everyday , OR 2) is it the late afternoon and you over slept after a long time. Time ? What is time ? I do not wear a watch. Concept of time does not hold meaning to me personally.

How did this experience come about ? Well take a journey to the inner child within you.

Recently in continuing my journey to self development ( Journey is on since more than 15 years by now..) i came across an advertisment with 3 mini workshop series.I never read advertisments and usually skip through. But subconciously i had somehow read that advertisment and thrown the paper away. Few hours later within the day i recalled that advertisement did not have an address but phone numbers, so i decided to at least find out the information and then decide. I thought most of these programs are done by half trained or not trained at all make a-quick-buck charlatans and i would know much more than the trainers. True story !!!!

Then after 2 days i found out the paper and called the first mobile number. I expected a half motivated receptionist in some  company to dole out the information. Already i had researched the information, visited their website,( although not mentioned in the advertisement).

I had infact more knowledge than that mini series. I already  listened to audio of much greater masters in the subject and this i have been doing for many a years now. I start my day with positive preachings of masters in various mind body fields. It is a better option than opening the morning newspaper and seeing bad wrong doings splattered across in gory details across the world. If its not that, then you find advertisements in colorful drama. The work shop advertisment was viewed listening to one such audio series. This advertisment was simple and to the point.

So now, for me the situation is :- I know about the subject, i dont know what this workshop will dole out, after all its a 4 hour workshop and the subject is much wider.

I called up and much to my astonishment, the number was not reacheable. Again i  let it be. Then i received a call back from the number and the guy on the other end was polite, fluent in english, and like i expected some information was spewed out with the conversation. The guy knew his job well. Good work Jeet ! thank you !!! I was impressed. And it takes a heck lot more than normal to impress me ( and he was a male )
A man impressing upon a man is much much harder and i
am known not to be impressed by most people and easily bored at the quickest opportunity.i do not like to tolerate and i rate my time more valuable & important than anyone else.

Jeet's language and the manner in which he "doled" out the information made it interesting, and then he gave out the last piece of information "costs" . I had already known the costs ( as i had done my homework very well).The advertisment did not mention any costs with it. The website did. Hehe he he he !!!

 I smiled as he mentioned "the costs per work shop" and i told him i wanted to enroll for all 3 workshops. He offered me a 15% discount and it didnt make a difference to me ( why not? is mentioned below) but since he offered it to me i was happy that this is not an establishment who is on with the sole purpose to make money. Most others are, and its not a sin to earn money. But i say atleast do it with some style and a honest attitude.

Alright they dont accept online credit card payments. $#@$#@ i said to myself how in the world !!!! what kind of joint is this ? But for me the journey to self development was to take a step further. And i had identified this step irrespective who conducted it. The step had to be taken. Money had to be given and i had to enroll myself as a gift to myself. It was affordable. 

Problems :- registration was confirmed against receipt of payment. They offer online deposit into their account which i did not use as my preferred mode of payment. Only 2 days left for the workshop and a courier would take 1 day  for delivery. Plus added problem they didnt have seats, so my confirmation was waiting in line, as number 3. If those 3 people did not turn up then he would call upon me. At the same time i was very confident that i would get the seat.

So confident in the conceptual belief. While talking to jeet on the 3rd phone call i wrote down the cheque and gave him the number of the cheque. After some time he confirmed my participation and seat. Thank you Jeet, pleasure to talk to you. Never met the man but I think he is cool "dude" !!

On the venue i turned up on time to enter the workshop. That venue building is not a 5 star work place, im used to 5 star work buildings.Life has pampered me well atleast with few personal moments. Lo and behold !!! I tried to find the venue on the 1st floor and i saw 2 pretty smiling individuals, one man in jeans, one lady in traditional indian dress. Immediate i said "East meets west" in my mind and i asked the man if this was the venue of the organization. He smiled & shook my hands at the entrance  and the pretty lady gave a welcoming smile and that sealed the "warm welcome". I entered the room and i saw 3 ladies seated and talking with each other. Now they were starring at me, i whispered a "helloooo" and took a seat . Remember the part of me getting bored very
easily ? Next 15 minutes started to amaze me yet bored me.But i have my own moments to keep myself entertained. For me the world is a "funny place" and i found their usual activities making me smile and at one time burst into a wider smile with laughter. ( This is what i do in places where i  find myself waiting for something to happpen). 

Then more ladies entered. I said to myself "aside from the man in jeans its going to be one big kitty party". Dont get me wrong, but they were married well settled and i, a single 37 year old surrounded by them. * big Gulp* ....Each of the ladies well dressed and affectionately &  instantly connected with each other and this was a pleasure to be surrounded between such friendship and comaradrie.
Mind transforms into matter, This is my belief. So i introduced the thought of enjoying laughing and sharing my wide knowledge with these participants. Bring the fun on !!!! Lo and behold, the pretty lady in the pretty indian dress kick started the session , introduced us to a lady who seemed to be"very high on life" I waited and awaited. The session started and the energy of this "high on life" lady filled the room with excitment. I was at total ease during the entire session, and not bored for a moment.  The moment i sensed there was a requirement for input from my side, I said my $0.2 cent worth statements.  There i discovered a lady who claimed she was diagnozed with cancer. Her face potrayed the fear of that diagnosis she was given. DAHYM !!!! time for me to make my statement to the group. Moments ago my $0.2 cent line was " it is not the event, its the meaning you give to an event" and i had to help  the lady and the group. I made a statement that  when you are happy, your cells are happy and the body starts to  make interleuken. which is a powerful anti cancer natural cure within the pharmacy of our own body when you are sad , then your cells are sad and they work sadly and this in turn effects and ensures the meaning you give to that event.
The session continued and i was surprised and glad to know they all clapped for me. * Big Gulp * and i thought everyone knew this?
Studies i have read say, interleuken is produced within the body when you really enjoy yourself. ITS NOT THE EXPERIENCE IT IS THE INTERPRETATION OF THE Experience. NEVER , EVER THE EVENT ITSELF. tHE EVENT HAS NO MEANING BY ITSELF.

To me, i have learnt and known enough to understand that a doctor's diagnosis of cancer does NOT mean anything at all, "Cancer is a name given to a specific discovery within the body, inside the blood and cells. Every body has cancer, its junk bad cells and its eliminated by the beauty of the body functionality. I strongly believe, when you laugh heartily and have lots of fun, your good cells within the body start their production. Happy cells start happy work which is elimination of the bad cells within our body. 

These are my own personal belief and not to be construed as any medical advice, I am a manager not a doctor.  
My advice, life is a field of infinite possibilities, with wide probabilities. Years ago i heard this line, if you take a watch to a man who owns a hammer, he is going to use his hammer on THAT watch. Dont blame him, but your watch will not be a watch for a long time. If you take your new car to a mechanic, he HAS to open the bonnet and its functionality has to be tinkered to HIS satisfaction, not yours. A watch repairman would never repair a watch to show the perfect time, thats his job which earns him money and you have to keep going to him often to get your precious watch repaired. If you visit a doctor, its either the doctor's interpretation or yours.

One time a surgeon /doctor told me i needed surgery for a 1 inch bleeding growth in the center of my chest. My mother who was along with me & she had to hear these words from the doctor " there is a possibility of cancer and its close to the heart. I will do a laser surgery and within 2 hours your son will be alright, no scars and medication to be continued .
This was more than a decade ago, in my college going days. Mom was scared and we immediately agreed to it. Minutes later my inner child said
"he has a new laser machine which he has to use on me.. Lets skip this. try ayurveda try something else, try. Till date im glad to say no surgery and that growth is a miniscule protude somewhere on my chest. Till date no chest pain or anything. It didnt grow, it started disappearing because of the meaning i gave it.

Coming back to the session, we learnt how to drum, learnt a nice manner to get in touch with the inner child.
The participants were all nice folks, the trainer knew her job very well and was impressive. The people at ISRA did impress upon me and i got what i wanted from the workshop. I woke up this morning as a child and exactly like my child like behaviour. Thats when i felt the workshop was effective and gave me an urge to put this positing on my blog and make it a memorable read. Thank you.