Wednesday, December 01, 2010

We are all seeds of a plan ( NOT PLANET) called LIFE

Life grows, and we are all seeds. Life is a resulting fruit. 
To grow life, we need to "live".A force and a feeling are the same.
This morning brings in a desire to review this fruit of a post. How did this result? 
Process :- 10-12 years ago i bought a very expensive magazine and while  reading it I saw Dr.Deepak Chopra's picture Then totally unrelatedly i came on the internet and i  heard of Anthony Robbins's good work. I heard Anthony Robbins for nearly 5 years off and on. Then, I heard about Dr. Deepak Chopra ( in anthony robbins interview). I recalled the picture of "the doctor" and hesitantly the journey to pursue his masterpieces.
(Lao Tzu said the journey of a million miles begins with a single step.) Very true, true !!

The Masters :- 
So from seeing a magazine picture of Dr.Deepak Chopra ( 15 years back )to Anthony Robbins, back to Dr.Deepak Chopra, the journey began slowly and then one after the other, i heard of Dr.Wayne Dyer,Carlos Castaneda,Larry Winget, Louise Hay,Abraham Jerry & Esther Hicks,Cheryl Richarson,Christiane Northrup,Doreen Virtue,Gay Hendricks,Gregg Braden, Leon Nacson,Mona Lisa Schultz.
The first  time i ever purchased books are the 2 masters Deepak Chopra & Wayne Dyer and read ever read 90 pages from a "small print book " titled Synchrodestiny. 
This was nearly a year back and now i believe i am in second gear  ( wow! whats the cruise control speed going to be wow !)

As Doreen Virtue said "Because the universe gives up baby steps, one step at a time, its often unrecognized when you're told to go read a book, take a class, call someone,write a letter.
But if we do step A then we are given next set of instructions step B, then we are given next set of instructions step C and it takes us step by step. 

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