Friday, December 25, 2009

The Shift - Thank you - Dr.Wayne Dyer

This is what i realized and learnt today.:- The universe has everything in perfect harmony.Every individual every plant every flower every bird is perfectly where the universe's creator "intended " it to be. 

The above picture is of the movie i mentioned in the post title. 

So,this means we are all where we are supposed to be. The left hand is on your left, the right on its intended place. The hair and the balding is exactly, where it was intended to be, The eyes see color as they were meant to view. 

The intention is not the meaning. The meaning is the deciphering of that intention. Example that comes to my mind immediately is hierographics, on the egyptian pyramids.

Of course the point i try to emphasize here is "INTENTION" . Try a small example :- Intend something today, from the base of your heart mind and soul. When you intend something to happen ensure, the part called ego is not accessed. Then leave the intention. 
The day that intention comes true, come back here and read this post again.

Pure Intention is a pure force of universe, To access is NOT A SIMPLE THING. It will take time to learn to access the path to intention, then the purity of intention and finally when intention gets processed, we experience a "miracle" .


Miracles do happen, everyday someone somewhere makes a miracle. Lets try to make our own miracle today.

Watch the movie-"The Shift" by Dr.Wayne Dyer. If it doesnt make sense to you, its ok but watch it and if you feel it was a nice movie, drop me a word here.

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