Just as this year of 2012 is coming to an end, so will many a good thing and bad things end too.
On this moment of endings, i wish to share a personal thought and a very controversial experience.
Many a wise rich business men/women/ always ensure they make a "will " before they die and also appoint their well trusted friends as "executors of the will".
My question to you is what if the executors have vested interests in the last belongings of the deceased? Think about it, the best wars in the world were started on the noblest intent.
What is the compensation for an executor (friend of family, usually) to NOT have vested outside interests, long after you are gone , ( which means you cannot check on his execution at all) And in case the executors goof up, whose checking all pages of your will? They themselves?
Appoint your executors internal and external, better still while you are alive, call all your beneficiaries and hand them your benovalence in person, while you are alive, do not wait till the end to start hand outs.
Start giving out small feelers, teasers to beneficiaries. let them know they are the beneficiary right from the day you write their name in your last will.
To that, lets start a Happy 2013, & end all bad thoughts...Good bye 2012.
I came to follow, i found myself leading,I believe in self help being the best help. I have studied and continue to study the works of many masters /Gurus like Ariel Ford, Bob Proctor, Burt Goldman, Brian Tracy,Deepak Chopra,Jack Canfield, Larry Winget,Louise Hay,Marriane Williamson,Anthony Robbins,Og Mandino,David Hawkins,Sedona Method, Dr.Larry Dossey,Dr. Wayne Dyer,Robert Stevenson and many more. You may connect with me at poarousasp@gmail.com
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
"Be excellent while you live, be extra ordinary excellent after you die "
Posted by
Poarousasp's little corner in the big Internet
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
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Saturday, December 22, 2012
Christmas on 21st December 2012.
Many sun rises ago, someone said the Mayan Calendar ends its cycle on 21st December 2012.
I have decided to note my thoughts on this subject.
Q:-How can someone see precisely into the future , approximate 5000 years and predict events precisely ?
My thinking :-" WHY NOT? hello , just because you think only the 3rd planet from a bright sun entails life, will not change someone else's thinking that there might be a same twin mirror planet with same instances happening on the 300th planet and the 3000th planet from this same bright sun. So helloooo! "
Q:Were they time travellers? Aliens? Superior life forms/civilization/etc?
My thinking :- If you & i both of us, think that i am dumb, then everytime you see me you will treat me as if I'm dumb and i will continue to ensure your prophecy of me being a lesser life form than you.
But if you and i both jointly conclude, we are equals, then mutual respect, admiration and friendship follows through.
We all live daily with our own versions of reality, a perception, a thought, a mutually exclusive conclusion, within our self made and allowed environments.
Example:- You would wear that sharp business suit ( skirt/dress for ladies ) to your office appraisal day, But if you were to visit a wild life sanctuary on that same day would you be dressed same ? differently?
Same person, different environments results in different perceptions and subsequent actions.
Now what does my reply to the above question conclude?
- If you think they were time travellers, then they were ! If you conclude they were alien visitors from the 300th planet from the sun, Then they were exactly that. Doesn't this mean you point at the sun and exclaim it to be a moon ?
Exactly, to a child whose learning the sun and moon & the planets,
on day one both are same, no difference and no connection to reality.
Just because you and i are amazed, does not mean everyone has to dress our way, think in our thought pattern zones and act like we choose to do.
So happy 21st December 2012 and let by gones be bygones.
How did i celebrate my 21st December 2012
By choosing to make a unknown stranger in tattered clothes happy.
The story goes like this :- i was about to enter my car and a man with a cycle ( yes a 2 wheeled NON-motorised bicycle) was asking me to buy heart shaped red balloons.
He said he needed some basic food grains for his children and wife at home and balloon business was not started even thought the evening came to night.
Mind you he did not beg, he was offering me to buy his red heart shaped balloons, so that he could go home early, as it was very late for him.
"Ha" ! i said to myself , I, a 40 year old single man , "what will i do with 1 dozen red balloons ?"
Suddenly, i said "hey this is my window to end my 21st December 2012 night and fast forward direct to 25th December 2012, let me play Santa for this man at this moment".
Then i opened my car lock, politely smiling at that man on his cycle, appreciated his balloons, i slid my hand into the right hand box under the steering where i keep change from my toll tickets and counted that change, it was small change, so i counted money from my top pocket too.
Lo & behold i had onlky Indian Rupees one hundred & twenty ( Rs:120 = approximate $2 yes $2 not $20 or $200) in 7 different denominations, which i handed over to that unknown stranger man. My pockets became empty as i had just paid my few last pocket balance to drink 2 coconuts.
I was a man without any money in my car or pocket or wallet.
For that moment , precise time i felt i am SANTA. But when i handed him the money he said "saheb take these balloons " All i could do is smile and tell him this was not charity , not from a rich man to a poor man,
but this act of giving is from one human to another, from one sales man to another, one son to a father ( he was quite old ), and it was being a token of appreciation for his efforts to be a balloon sales man.
My smile brought happiness to his face and he smiled back, thanking me a million wishes. He was having tears of joy blessing me, saying "tonight my house will have essentials to cook and my children will eat".
Not only did i bring him happiness, i gave him courage to be a sales man, courage to keep going when no one wants to buy the red balloons, and wait for them to come buy them.
It gave me happiness to know for one night, i supported a man who could not go home empty handed. He was a man on a mission to feed his wife and children of 3 ,to buy raw essentials for their dinner.
In my past 40 years many people have known me to give away money for various reasons to various people at various moments.Of bigger amounts, of bigger times but...
For me 21st December 2012 , the red balloon salesman is the most memorable, a befitting end to the mayan calendar end. * cheers with that empty 2 coconut shells.*
That's how i celebrated Christmas,- on the 21st December 2012,much before, before it comes.
That is how i did my time travel to Christmas .
Let me know, when you do your time travel !
Merry Christmas ! & Wish you a very happy end of a mayan calendar, and also a start of our collective decision label known as 2013 year
I have decided to note my thoughts on this subject.
Q:-How can someone see precisely into the future , approximate 5000 years and predict events precisely ?
My thinking :-" WHY NOT? hello , just because you think only the 3rd planet from a bright sun entails life, will not change someone else's thinking that there might be a same twin mirror planet with same instances happening on the 300th planet and the 3000th planet from this same bright sun. So helloooo! "
Q:Were they time travellers? Aliens? Superior life forms/civilization/etc?
My thinking :- If you & i both of us, think that i am dumb, then everytime you see me you will treat me as if I'm dumb and i will continue to ensure your prophecy of me being a lesser life form than you.
But if you and i both jointly conclude, we are equals, then mutual respect, admiration and friendship follows through.
We all live daily with our own versions of reality, a perception, a thought, a mutually exclusive conclusion, within our self made and allowed environments.
Example:- You would wear that sharp business suit ( skirt/dress for ladies ) to your office appraisal day, But if you were to visit a wild life sanctuary on that same day would you be dressed same ? differently?
Same person, different environments results in different perceptions and subsequent actions.
Now what does my reply to the above question conclude?
- If you think they were time travellers, then they were ! If you conclude they were alien visitors from the 300th planet from the sun, Then they were exactly that. Doesn't this mean you point at the sun and exclaim it to be a moon ?
Exactly, to a child whose learning the sun and moon & the planets,
on day one both are same, no difference and no connection to reality.
Just because you and i are amazed, does not mean everyone has to dress our way, think in our thought pattern zones and act like we choose to do.
So happy 21st December 2012 and let by gones be bygones.
How did i celebrate my 21st December 2012
By choosing to make a unknown stranger in tattered clothes happy.
The story goes like this :- i was about to enter my car and a man with a cycle ( yes a 2 wheeled NON-motorised bicycle) was asking me to buy heart shaped red balloons.
He said he needed some basic food grains for his children and wife at home and balloon business was not started even thought the evening came to night.
Mind you he did not beg, he was offering me to buy his red heart shaped balloons, so that he could go home early, as it was very late for him.
"Ha" ! i said to myself , I, a 40 year old single man , "what will i do with 1 dozen red balloons ?"
Suddenly, i said "hey this is my window to end my 21st December 2012 night and fast forward direct to 25th December 2012, let me play Santa for this man at this moment".
Then i opened my car lock, politely smiling at that man on his cycle, appreciated his balloons, i slid my hand into the right hand box under the steering where i keep change from my toll tickets and counted that change, it was small change, so i counted money from my top pocket too.
Lo & behold i had onlky Indian Rupees one hundred & twenty ( Rs:120 = approximate $2 yes $2 not $20 or $200) in 7 different denominations, which i handed over to that unknown stranger man. My pockets became empty as i had just paid my few last pocket balance to drink 2 coconuts.
I was a man without any money in my car or pocket or wallet.
For that moment , precise time i felt i am SANTA. But when i handed him the money he said "saheb take these balloons " All i could do is smile and tell him this was not charity , not from a rich man to a poor man,
but this act of giving is from one human to another, from one sales man to another, one son to a father ( he was quite old ), and it was being a token of appreciation for his efforts to be a balloon sales man.
My smile brought happiness to his face and he smiled back, thanking me a million wishes. He was having tears of joy blessing me, saying "tonight my house will have essentials to cook and my children will eat".
Not only did i bring him happiness, i gave him courage to be a sales man, courage to keep going when no one wants to buy the red balloons, and wait for them to come buy them.
It gave me happiness to know for one night, i supported a man who could not go home empty handed. He was a man on a mission to feed his wife and children of 3 ,to buy raw essentials for their dinner.
In my past 40 years many people have known me to give away money for various reasons to various people at various moments.Of bigger amounts, of bigger times but...
For me 21st December 2012 , the red balloon salesman is the most memorable, a befitting end to the mayan calendar end. * cheers with that empty 2 coconut shells.*
That's how i celebrated Christmas,- on the 21st December 2012,much before, before it comes.
That is how i did my time travel to Christmas .
Let me know, when you do your time travel !
Merry Christmas ! & Wish you a very happy end of a mayan calendar, and also a start of our collective decision label known as 2013 year
Posted by
Poarousasp's little corner in the big Internet
Saturday, December 22, 2012
No comments:

Tuesday, October 02, 2012
New IPAD 64gb
Got myself a "NEW IPAD" ( did not say IPAD 3 because its not the correct nomenclature/name)
Day one - Happy Birthday to me, now you know why the IPAD is in my hands.
The monstrosity, ooohhhhh , "how did i exists without one of these technical gadgets in my hands before" feeling set in instantly.
I shall answer that question , simple because i carry with me 2 mobile handsets ( one official , other blackberry personal). Thought i should mention, most readers would say "shouldnt it be other wise?" Blackberry should be official? eeh hee hee, ( yes the first word is my surprising " eh!!") I did not want one then, and i was a windows fan.
Now onto the Day 1 memories again :-
Did research on pricing, we are all onto a bigger better deal sometimes or the other. So i did more than basic fact finding and after a lot of hunting in the dark, found that small stores offer a better pricing than the "Authorised Resellers". Ummmm why would i buy from a "reseller"? My work has facilitated my brain to think, there has to be a seller not a reseller. LOL , i know, im crazy talking some blasphemy like this, read on...
Found a store known to me , since years for its great pricing and volume business, Had to drive there, and this is what i faced to get my hands on a discounted ( I paid nearly 10% or something closeby ) to buy it. I had to be wriggling and justling my arms against a pretty & gentle scented goddess of a teenager, ( hmmm, hmmm, hmmmm ) a giant armed man with 2 bags in his hands about to bang into my legs, a cute small child wearing a Tshirt that said "i'm Naughty" ( didnt notice the slender lady who was carrying her) , few extremely fat ladies and their husbands ( imagine their mouths filled with some chewing tobacco type substance ) most of them enquiring about /jostling for the latest mobile handsets.
I did hear someone ask for Apple Iphone 5. LOL its officially not launched in India as yet.But yet they enquired, Suddenly my eyes fell upon my order, a 64 GbB WIFI/4G model.
With the money i saved as discount, i bought a camera connection kit and original ipad cover - green in color. Now finally "the beast".
Note to readers:- I use this term for all my purchases
My first ever stereo set Kenwood - 959 - " Beast "
My first car Maruti 1000 - "The beast"
Second car Maruti Estillo Zen - Da Beast"
Acer laptop 5740G - "Beast"
2 TB External Hard Drive - "Beast"
Blackberry 9860 3G mobile handset -" Beast "
Apple NEW IPAD 4G & WIFI 64 GB - "Beast"
Next purchase - "Beast"
Day 1 - unboxed the ipad, set basic settings, When you buy it, you have to register the piece, which was easy , very easy,
It was very easy and simple to pair it with my Blackberry 9860's hotspot and used the internet over wifi.
Next day Took it to office, "Go Green ", same evening , visited vodafone, ( horrible customer service and useless documentation procedure for an existing client, but good speeds on 3G. Got myself a the basic cheapest prepaid plan (Now I cannot trust them after my blackberry incident with them which still makes me pay around Rs:900 + rupees per month) -Separate incident posted before.
Promises of activation , s ame day, /next day, /call us, blah blah blu blu, " mental note to self was " please let me get away from here".
Day 3
Blazing speeds, 7.1 mbps ,
Day 4
Downloaded basic seesential software and customized it
Day 5
posted this post
Day 6 -
WIll add pictures
post in progress,,,,
Day one - Happy Birthday to me, now you know why the IPAD is in my hands.
The monstrosity, ooohhhhh , "how did i exists without one of these technical gadgets in my hands before" feeling set in instantly.
I shall answer that question , simple because i carry with me 2 mobile handsets ( one official , other blackberry personal). Thought i should mention, most readers would say "shouldnt it be other wise?" Blackberry should be official? eeh hee hee, ( yes the first word is my surprising " eh!!") I did not want one then, and i was a windows fan.
Now onto the Day 1 memories again :-
Did research on pricing, we are all onto a bigger better deal sometimes or the other. So i did more than basic fact finding and after a lot of hunting in the dark, found that small stores offer a better pricing than the "Authorised Resellers". Ummmm why would i buy from a "reseller"? My work has facilitated my brain to think, there has to be a seller not a reseller. LOL , i know, im crazy talking some blasphemy like this, read on...
Found a store known to me , since years for its great pricing and volume business, Had to drive there, and this is what i faced to get my hands on a discounted ( I paid nearly 10% or something closeby ) to buy it. I had to be wriggling and justling my arms against a pretty & gentle scented goddess of a teenager, ( hmmm, hmmm, hmmmm ) a giant armed man with 2 bags in his hands about to bang into my legs, a cute small child wearing a Tshirt that said "i'm Naughty" ( didnt notice the slender lady who was carrying her) , few extremely fat ladies and their husbands ( imagine their mouths filled with some chewing tobacco type substance ) most of them enquiring about /jostling for the latest mobile handsets.
I did hear someone ask for Apple Iphone 5. LOL its officially not launched in India as yet.But yet they enquired, Suddenly my eyes fell upon my order, a 64 GbB WIFI/4G model.
With the money i saved as discount, i bought a camera connection kit and original ipad cover - green in color. Now finally "the beast".
Note to readers:- I use this term for all my purchases
My first ever stereo set Kenwood - 959 - " Beast "
My first car Maruti 1000 - "The beast"
Second car Maruti Estillo Zen - Da Beast"
Acer laptop 5740G - "Beast"
2 TB External Hard Drive - "Beast"
Blackberry 9860 3G mobile handset -" Beast "
Apple NEW IPAD 4G & WIFI 64 GB - "Beast"
Next purchase - "Beast"
Day 1 - unboxed the ipad, set basic settings, When you buy it, you have to register the piece, which was easy , very easy,
It was very easy and simple to pair it with my Blackberry 9860's hotspot and used the internet over wifi.
Next day Took it to office, "Go Green ", same evening , visited vodafone, ( horrible customer service and useless documentation procedure for an existing client, but good speeds on 3G. Got myself a the basic cheapest prepaid plan (Now I cannot trust them after my blackberry incident with them which still makes me pay around Rs:900 + rupees per month) -Separate incident posted before.
Promises of activation , s ame day, /next day, /call us, blah blah blu blu, " mental note to self was " please let me get away from here".
Day 3
Blazing speeds, 7.1 mbps ,
Day 4
Downloaded basic seesential software and customized it
Day 5
posted this post
Day 6 -
WIll add pictures
post in progress,,,,
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Before you Cheat Your Girlfriend ( the book every man should read and every girl should know)
I have started writing this book,today i present the first page written for your reviews & opinion ) please advice.
Before you Cheat Your Girlfriend
(The book
every man should read and every girl should know)
This particular topic is a little bit controversial. The
moment you read this line, you might have said to yourself “ I didn’t cheat on
my girlfriend ever, god promise, I swear , this topic is not for me”.
*Cough Cough * “Come on now, confess to me, baby, I am YOUR WINGMAN,”
Consider yourself to have “cheated” on your girlfriend IF :-
You starred or oogled at the sweet/cute / hottie girl in your class meetings.
( school/college/library/tution/yoga/meditation/study group/prayer meet ,
Yes that’s right you oogled her , you looked at her, do not resist the truth, and don’t grin back to me, and also don’t laugh it off.
I know you did it. They all know you did it, you know you did it, then why protest, tick mark here and read the next line. OK?
( school/college/library/tution/yoga/meditation/study group/prayer meet ,
Yes that’s right you oogled her , you looked at her, do not resist the truth, and don’t grin back to me, and also don’t laugh it off.
I know you did it. They all know you did it, you know you did it, then why protest, tick mark here and read the next line. OK?
You saw a girl and ever mentioned “So Sweet/sexy/hot/some
personal /regional language slang word describing the meaning you know I meant
to tell you here” .
Yeah I know you are going to make a quick
resisting come back to me and ask me questions
You - “Whoa are you nuts dude?”
Me - * grins back at you*whispering I am your wingman dude, come on now * pats
your shoulder read on bro “
You gave a (“life saving”) lift to your girlffriend’s best friend.
All because you didn’t “want” her to walk back home. You may have cited reasons like “it is dark OR she is your best friend/ Or I will take her back home on the way to my home”
All because you didn’t “want” her to walk back home. You may have cited reasons like “it is dark OR she is your best friend/ Or I will take her back home on the way to my home”
You actually accept it by now .
Yeah, you cheated on your girlfriend. You
accepted it? Good boy, Read on. I forgave you before you knew it.
In your heart you did feel a little pang of resistance at that time but you didn’t know what to do next so what the heck you went all the way to cheating with her.
In your wingman bro. You say “ its her
fault too, she made me do it, I was like this and it was like that “
Or you could claim innocence and say you
were driven into the arms of another lover because your girlfriend was not
loyal to you/not giving you enough time/ * insert some inert blabbering here *
Words do not permit me to be typed here else
I would be abusing you while I laughed along with you in a perverted sense of making you realize
and accept you are a human being who just accepted a mistake. A mistake that
seem unforgivable, but I forgave you before I started writing these words.
Why did I forgive you? Because you are inside
a body trying to be a human being.
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
A lesson in retail - London Duty Free Airport Store
Ka ching! Old time cashier machines would make a bell "ka ching" sound when they registered a sale.
I take this opportunity to remember a personal fond memory of a sales person.
I was in Mumbai and a near dear close loved one was making a purchase for me at a far away location = LONDON!
It was night 2 am and i received a call on my mobile. Tring! tring! ( i had the old fashioned ringer tune on my latest mobile thus tring tring).I picked up the call anxiously wondering who/what/why happened. The caller screen showed some strange number which i couldnt not decipher.
It was my dear near loved one, using a mobile from a duty free store at London Airport, United Kingdom.
She was in a fix, whether to buy item number 1, number 2 from store A or number 3 from other store B.
The sales girl started helping her make an informed decision , and enquired with her as to what was the hesitation to purchase item 1 or 2.
So, the near dear loved one replied to explain that she had only this much money amount and one strange recipient ( ME) to satisfy, thus the confusion.
The sales girl whipped out her mobile and offered her to make the call, speak to the recipient overseas (me) and find out whether to make any of purchases.
My near dear loved one, replied back "what if i dont buy any of your items", The sales girl replied, it was not a problem at all. She understood the confusion my near dear loved one was going through and wanted to help her make an informed buying decision so that one strange recipient overseas would get happy.
While talking the mobile got disconnected. By the time i tried figuring out how to make an international call on that same number i got a 2nd call and a 3rd call too from the same number. Line disconnected so what call again. speak.
I was amazed, a stranger helping my near dear loved one. Was something different flowing in the waters of london that such level of comfort was being offered to customer, who might not have bought even a single product ?Or was it their training to give the best possible customer service? ( retailers wake up )
The sales girl kept assuring my near dear loved one, it was ok, its cool to make tat call, because it was her personal mobile and not official number that she would get into trouble for misuse.
More strange, i was overwhelmed that night, first to have received a call, second to have been introduced to such a sales girl.
Althought this incident is years ago, i remember asking my near dear loved one to say "thank you" and ensure to buy something from that store".
Ka Ching!!! They bonded and was guided to make a perfect shopping decision.
As i remember a nice amount was spent. Moresoever a happy customer, moresoever a happier strange recipient, more better, i was that strange recipient mentioned above and i am writing this incident years later.
Once I did hear Robert Stevenson mention 8/16 rule,something that goes like this, if your customer service is good they will tell 8 people, but if you goof up , they will tell 16.
So, trying to change that rule and becoming an exception, i reverse that rule, if someone does something bad, i dont scream my lungs out to the world, no no no. The meek shall inherit the world - i was taught such.
But if someone does something good, ( like great customer service) i shall surely tell more than 8 or 16 people.
By the way i was touched by that polite customer service gesture of the sales lady at london airport.
Whoever you are, Thank You. Its too late for me to even recall her name.
But you as a reader can go ahead, do something good for a stranger, may be someday, someone, somewhere will write about your kind gesture.
Thank you near dear loved one, thank you sales person at london airport duty free store.
Retailers are you listening ? if not,, no wonder you cannot hear the sound of "Ka Ching" in your sales register.
I take this opportunity to remember a personal fond memory of a sales person.
I was in Mumbai and a near dear close loved one was making a purchase for me at a far away location = LONDON!
It was night 2 am and i received a call on my mobile. Tring! tring! ( i had the old fashioned ringer tune on my latest mobile thus tring tring).I picked up the call anxiously wondering who/what/why happened. The caller screen showed some strange number which i couldnt not decipher.
It was my dear near loved one, using a mobile from a duty free store at London Airport, United Kingdom.
She was in a fix, whether to buy item number 1, number 2 from store A or number 3 from other store B.
The sales girl started helping her make an informed decision , and enquired with her as to what was the hesitation to purchase item 1 or 2.
So, the near dear loved one replied to explain that she had only this much money amount and one strange recipient ( ME) to satisfy, thus the confusion.
The sales girl whipped out her mobile and offered her to make the call, speak to the recipient overseas (me) and find out whether to make any of purchases.
My near dear loved one, replied back "what if i dont buy any of your items", The sales girl replied, it was not a problem at all. She understood the confusion my near dear loved one was going through and wanted to help her make an informed buying decision so that one strange recipient overseas would get happy.
While talking the mobile got disconnected. By the time i tried figuring out how to make an international call on that same number i got a 2nd call and a 3rd call too from the same number. Line disconnected so what call again. speak.
I was amazed, a stranger helping my near dear loved one. Was something different flowing in the waters of london that such level of comfort was being offered to customer, who might not have bought even a single product ?Or was it their training to give the best possible customer service? ( retailers wake up )
The sales girl kept assuring my near dear loved one, it was ok, its cool to make tat call, because it was her personal mobile and not official number that she would get into trouble for misuse.
More strange, i was overwhelmed that night, first to have received a call, second to have been introduced to such a sales girl.
Althought this incident is years ago, i remember asking my near dear loved one to say "thank you" and ensure to buy something from that store".
Ka Ching!!! They bonded and was guided to make a perfect shopping decision.
As i remember a nice amount was spent. Moresoever a happy customer, moresoever a happier strange recipient, more better, i was that strange recipient mentioned above and i am writing this incident years later.
Once I did hear Robert Stevenson mention 8/16 rule,something that goes like this, if your customer service is good they will tell 8 people, but if you goof up , they will tell 16.
So, trying to change that rule and becoming an exception, i reverse that rule, if someone does something bad, i dont scream my lungs out to the world, no no no. The meek shall inherit the world - i was taught such.
But if someone does something good, ( like great customer service) i shall surely tell more than 8 or 16 people.
By the way i was touched by that polite customer service gesture of the sales lady at london airport.
Whoever you are, Thank You. Its too late for me to even recall her name.
But you as a reader can go ahead, do something good for a stranger, may be someday, someone, somewhere will write about your kind gesture.
Thank you near dear loved one, thank you sales person at london airport duty free store.
Retailers are you listening ? if not,, no wonder you cannot hear the sound of "Ka Ching" in your sales register.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Good bye Bad Customer Service( Nokia) Hello Blackberry !( god knows their services) Why & How i bought a Blackberry ?
It was a nice sunny day and i wanted a pair of bluetooth headphones accessories for my nokia N97 mini phone. I searched the internet if any company could cater to my demand, Yes ! hooray nokia has it for me.
Did basic pricing search, I was even ready to buy at full price MRP. It was expensive Rs:4299 ( i think around US $ 80 approximately)
Next 3 days i tried and visited 5 Nokia outlets , they had everything nokia sells, except my headphone set which i wanted to purchase asap. Finally a small "Nokia authorised" sales outlet offered me the same headset. Model No : BH-505 a bluetooth stereo headphone set.
I paid the price, unboxed it on site and put it to use.
AAAAHHH i was in technology nirvana!! Literally music to my ears.
Later within 15 days of use, i saw their manufacturing defects come out, the headset's right arm cracked,Later 2 more cracks surfaced. I took it to their 3 service centers in different parts of the city.
Each one spewed out adhoc policies. "This piece cannot be repaired , has to be exchanged but we cannot exchange it as it seems to be physical breakage' .
I offered to pay them costs for repairs, let me listen to my guru's speeches and self improvement works, on my mobile "phone, please, please", but they didnt help at all.
They summarized to meant to say "BUY A NEW SET. once again ."
Usually i do not take shelter with abusive language, but in their case my mind started thinking differently. I was a faithful nokia user since past decade and here in my time of need, which i am ready to pay, no help came across. One service center manager took a photograph saying he would ask the company to replace and call me. Its been months, no call came through. Least the center manager could do was call me and say e couldnt get a replacement ? too much to ask for? Todays, world seems "just pay and buy now, forget service. Thanks to foreign culture permeating the indian culture i think so. "
Kept suffering with a broken bluetooth headset, which made me feel perhaps i should junk the root of this cause of discomfort.
I said to myself, "if NO nokia mobile, then no need for bluetooth headset.
I forgave Nokia and forgot nokia, - My self concept of forgive then forget.
So the next religious opportunity i received, i changed my mobile from NOKIA to BLACKBERRY.
One thing lead to another and i bought a BLACKBERRY 9860 (Torch).
Yes, now i use a wired basic cheap headphone set and i would never ever will i allow bad customer service to affect me. Even it its at a cost. Live Life Kingsize always within your own means.
Did basic pricing search, I was even ready to buy at full price MRP. It was expensive Rs:4299 ( i think around US $ 80 approximately)
Next 3 days i tried and visited 5 Nokia outlets , they had everything nokia sells, except my headphone set which i wanted to purchase asap. Finally a small "Nokia authorised" sales outlet offered me the same headset. Model No : BH-505 a bluetooth stereo headphone set.
I paid the price, unboxed it on site and put it to use.
AAAAHHH i was in technology nirvana!! Literally music to my ears.
Later within 15 days of use, i saw their manufacturing defects come out, the headset's right arm cracked,Later 2 more cracks surfaced. I took it to their 3 service centers in different parts of the city.
Each one spewed out adhoc policies. "This piece cannot be repaired , has to be exchanged but we cannot exchange it as it seems to be physical breakage' .
I offered to pay them costs for repairs, let me listen to my guru's speeches and self improvement works, on my mobile "phone, please, please", but they didnt help at all.
They summarized to meant to say "BUY A NEW SET. once again ."
"Yeah ? oh yeah ?"You want me to spend $80 for a new defective product line? thanks, fool me once you are a fool, fool me twice i really become a fool.
Usually i do not take shelter with abusive language, but in their case my mind started thinking differently. I was a faithful nokia user since past decade and here in my time of need, which i am ready to pay, no help came across. One service center manager took a photograph saying he would ask the company to replace and call me. Its been months, no call came through. Least the center manager could do was call me and say e couldnt get a replacement ? too much to ask for? Todays, world seems "just pay and buy now, forget service. Thanks to foreign culture permeating the indian culture i think so. "
To make long story short, but to keep it memorized, i write it here for my own record.
I said to myself, "if NO nokia mobile, then no need for bluetooth headset.
Remove the cause, the effects will stop".
I forgave Nokia and forgot nokia, - My self concept of forgive then forget.
So the next religious opportunity i received, i changed my mobile from NOKIA to BLACKBERRY.
One thing lead to another and i bought a BLACKBERRY 9860 (Torch).
Yes, now i use a wired basic cheap headphone set and i would never ever will i allow bad customer service to affect me. Even it its at a cost. Live Life Kingsize always within your own means.
Good bye Nokia ! Hello Blackberry!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
How a Big company named Vodafone conned me
My personal experience and comments about Vodafone.
In the month of May 2012, i entered my mobile number on the vodafone.in website requesting information on Mobile Number Portability ( MNP).
Subsequently someone from Vodafone called me up, offered me to do a MNP process -change to Vodafone , with similar features as that of my existing MTNL prepaid plan" and i thus i opted to switch to Vodafone.
On 18th May 2012 the Vodafone representative came over to my office, filled in the requisite papers and "sold" me a Vodafone sim card.
The plans explained and offered and signatures taken althroughout mentioned full Blackberry plan of Rs:695 per month,at a promotional discounted offer rate at Rs:399 per month.
Till the 1st June 2012, i was on Mtnl network, then i tried Vodafone sim card and i would make outgoing calls, but not receive any incoming calls, which is absurd, 1 mobile number half functional on each SIM Card. LOL, i duly informed them to do their changes, Absurd!! I informed them of the same .
Did you know Vodafone charges 0.50 paise per 3 minutes for speaking to a telecaller assistance? ( incidentally they made me wait, twice upto 45 minutes to "find out" my issue ( unresolved).
Now where is the cheating?
The promotional offer was 1) Voice plan & 2) Blackberry plan.
While they switched me over to Vodafone with voice plan, they did not do anything about blackberry plan.
After calling up everyday for 18 days,writing various emails and listening to their false promises to start my promotional Blackberry offer, they finally informed me the reason for such delat is "that plan is now closed," and they dont have any such offering recorded in their system - thus no such offer was ever made.
This basically means, either i am dellusional or their executive who filled in my form was a liar/cheat/con/fraud.
Incidentally when i called up the executive who visited my office,i found out it was outsourced agency and that agency too is a cheat as there is no one with that name existing /present. They just listen to your issue and if they cannot resolve it, click and cancel your call. Tried & experienced their behaviour for 18 days.
As, I distinctly had a witness/colleague in front of whom , the promotional offering were explained this means the latter of the above sentence.
On a side note, now today i have a glimpse of problems faced by foreigners and may be i understand why foreign countries were against outsourcing from India in the earlier years.
Due to the information from Vodafone, that i cannot switch over from their MNP for 3 months as lock-in, and finally my desire to remain connected to my office colleagues,friends & Acquaintainces, and also to enjoy benefits of my expensive ( Rs:21600) Blackberry 9860 ,all i could do is enroll for a full paid blackberry plan at a current full rack rate.
I feel Vodafone has cheated me by promising me discounted promotional rates and then backing out saying no such plan exists and thus, I would like to warn all fellow MNP'ers please be careful, whatever they promise, take it in writing , take xerox copies of the forms they make you fill up, ( i trusted the big company and i didnt do this) and dont Trust anyone.
Else you too will end up writing a post on your blog about the day a big company conned up into paying more than your existing .
Moral of the story :-
On my prepaid MTNL i was enjoying blackberry for Rs:-291 + Rs:0.50 per minute voice call.
Now in Vodafone i pay blackberry plan Rs:599 per month ( for same as above features) and a separate voice plan.
It may be a big company but would i ever recommend them,? Never.
Like Robert Stevenson once said " try exceed customer expectations" , but this Vodafone company does not even meet up their own offerings.Thus i assume its not a company which is "Beyond Excellence".
In the end they too shall know, a stone tossed within a pond, changes the shore.
In the month of May 2012, i entered my mobile number on the vodafone.in website requesting information on Mobile Number Portability ( MNP).
Subsequently someone from Vodafone called me up, offered me to do a MNP process -change to Vodafone , with similar features as that of my existing MTNL prepaid plan" and i thus i opted to switch to Vodafone.
On 18th May 2012 the Vodafone representative came over to my office, filled in the requisite papers and "sold" me a Vodafone sim card.
The plans explained and offered and signatures taken althroughout mentioned full Blackberry plan of Rs:695 per month,at a promotional discounted offer rate at Rs:399 per month.
Till the 1st June 2012, i was on Mtnl network, then i tried Vodafone sim card and i would make outgoing calls, but not receive any incoming calls, which is absurd, 1 mobile number half functional on each SIM Card. LOL, i duly informed them to do their changes, Absurd!! I informed them of the same .
Did you know Vodafone charges 0.50 paise per 3 minutes for speaking to a telecaller assistance? ( incidentally they made me wait, twice upto 45 minutes to "find out" my issue ( unresolved).
Now where is the cheating?
The promotional offer was 1) Voice plan & 2) Blackberry plan.
While they switched me over to Vodafone with voice plan, they did not do anything about blackberry plan.
After calling up everyday for 18 days,writing various emails and listening to their false promises to start my promotional Blackberry offer, they finally informed me the reason for such delat is "that plan is now closed," and they dont have any such offering recorded in their system - thus no such offer was ever made.
This basically means, either i am dellusional or their executive who filled in my form was a liar/cheat/con/fraud.
Incidentally when i called up the executive who visited my office,i found out it was outsourced agency and that agency too is a cheat as there is no one with that name existing /present. They just listen to your issue and if they cannot resolve it, click and cancel your call. Tried & experienced their behaviour for 18 days.
As, I distinctly had a witness/colleague in front of whom , the promotional offering were explained this means the latter of the above sentence.
On a side note, now today i have a glimpse of problems faced by foreigners and may be i understand why foreign countries were against outsourcing from India in the earlier years.
Due to the information from Vodafone, that i cannot switch over from their MNP for 3 months as lock-in, and finally my desire to remain connected to my office colleagues,friends & Acquaintainces, and also to enjoy benefits of my expensive ( Rs:21600) Blackberry 9860 ,all i could do is enroll for a full paid blackberry plan at a current full rack rate.
I feel Vodafone has cheated me by promising me discounted promotional rates and then backing out saying no such plan exists and thus, I would like to warn all fellow MNP'ers please be careful, whatever they promise, take it in writing , take xerox copies of the forms they make you fill up, ( i trusted the big company and i didnt do this) and dont Trust anyone.
Else you too will end up writing a post on your blog about the day a big company conned up into paying more than your existing .
Moral of the story :-
On my prepaid MTNL i was enjoying blackberry for Rs:-291 + Rs:0.50 per minute voice call.
Now in Vodafone i pay blackberry plan Rs:599 per month ( for same as above features) and a separate voice plan.
It may be a big company but would i ever recommend them,? Never.
Like Robert Stevenson once said " try exceed customer expectations" , but this Vodafone company does not even meet up their own offerings.Thus i assume its not a company which is "Beyond Excellence".
In the end they too shall know, a stone tossed within a pond, changes the shore.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Immortal words of a mortal being
Are you seeking solace in the words of others,
trying to express your own feelings through the words of unknown or lesser known mortals?
Many a mortal has passed but their voice echoes through the corridors of silent nights and many an empty moments stood still paying absent tributes to the words of the unknown.
When i pass your way or our paths cross through known or unknown alleys.
I will await for you to repeat my words, and smile for me,
I know i am an unknown mortal
But my words will be still immortal.
trying to express your own feelings through the words of unknown or lesser known mortals?
Many a mortal has passed but their voice echoes through the corridors of silent nights and many an empty moments stood still paying absent tributes to the words of the unknown.
When i pass your way or our paths cross through known or unknown alleys.
I will await for you to repeat my words, and smile for me,
I know i am an unknown mortal
But my words will be still immortal.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
New Planted Fish Tank
I had a fish tank since more than 2 years and i always have been nuturing plants on my balcony, Merging both of them = planted fish tank :) So i researched on the kind of plantation i wanted inside my tank and NO i did not want a theme in my fish tank.
While i find themes too be cute and systematic, i dont subscribe to the viewpoint of having a theme tank. My theme is "au naturel" Mix & Match as the mind feels so. and i did this all DIY style ( means Do It Yourself) i think they call it Dutch Style.
The end result is this = The plants are
1)Compacta (dwarf)
2)Giant Ambulia
3)Dwarf Ambulia
5)Chain Amazon
6)Water Cress
and 7)Pennyworth
I believe in syncrodestiny and i believe this was meant to be done in the manner it unfolded.
I had a major ma jor hint in my head to do this planting inside my fish tank.
I drove down to this far off new store. The store closes at 6:30 pm and door were closed at 7:45pm when i landed up at the door.Something inside me knocked the door handle thrice and after awaiting ( more on patience in the tank coming up) . It was my intention to buy live plants.& a substrate. A voice behind the closed doors shouted "whose there" I replied something politely .
A old lady opened the door and i saw the store closed dark.One line lead to another and another lady appeared. She too was polite and i started talking to her. While i went inside to buy white sand, i changed my decision and taking her advice i bought Azoo Branded Substrate and few live plants and 6 Head & Tail amazon tetras. I had the whole store to myself reopened to my visual pleasures.
I know the above picture is incomplete, because this is just day 2 picture, I Imagine what it would look like after 2 months. after 2 years ?This is what i visualize, lot of greenery, "plants with pearls" and a perfect eco cycle in the plan. While all this landscaping was done along with the fish inside the tank. Let me show you the proof. The above pictures are post everything and well settled so let me show you the first picture after putting in the substrate and yes all fishes are inside this picture. No fish was removed from its house/tank. And yes all alive perfect in health.
While i find themes too be cute and systematic, i dont subscribe to the viewpoint of having a theme tank. My theme is "au naturel" Mix & Match as the mind feels so. and i did this all DIY style ( means Do It Yourself) i think they call it Dutch Style.
The end result is this = The plants are
1)Compacta (dwarf)
2)Giant Ambulia
3)Dwarf Ambulia
5)Chain Amazon
6)Water Cress
and 7)Pennyworth
I believe in syncrodestiny and i believe this was meant to be done in the manner it unfolded.
I had a major ma jor hint in my head to do this planting inside my fish tank.
I drove down to this far off new store. The store closes at 6:30 pm and door were closed at 7:45pm when i landed up at the door.Something inside me knocked the door handle thrice and after awaiting ( more on patience in the tank coming up) . It was my intention to buy live plants.& a substrate. A voice behind the closed doors shouted "whose there" I replied something politely .
A old lady opened the door and i saw the store closed dark.One line lead to another and another lady appeared. She too was polite and i started talking to her. While i went inside to buy white sand, i changed my decision and taking her advice i bought Azoo Branded Substrate and few live plants and 6 Head & Tail amazon tetras. I had the whole store to myself reopened to my visual pleasures.
I know the above picture is incomplete, because this is just day 2 picture, I Imagine what it would look like after 2 months. after 2 years ?This is what i visualize, lot of greenery, "plants with pearls" and a perfect eco cycle in the plan. While all this landscaping was done along with the fish inside the tank. Let me show you the proof. The above pictures are post everything and well settled so let me show you the first picture after putting in the substrate and yes all fishes are inside this picture. No fish was removed from its house/tank. And yes all alive perfect in health.
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