Did basic pricing search, I was even ready to buy at full price MRP. It was expensive Rs:4299 ( i think around US $ 80 approximately)
Next 3 days i tried and visited 5 Nokia outlets , they had everything nokia sells, except my headphone set which i wanted to purchase asap. Finally a small "Nokia authorised" sales outlet offered me the same headset. Model No : BH-505 a bluetooth stereo headphone set.
I paid the price, unboxed it on site and put it to use.
AAAAHHH i was in technology nirvana!! Literally music to my ears.
Later within 15 days of use, i saw their manufacturing defects come out, the headset's right arm cracked,Later 2 more cracks surfaced. I took it to their 3 service centers in different parts of the city.
Each one spewed out adhoc policies. "This piece cannot be repaired , has to be exchanged but we cannot exchange it as it seems to be physical breakage' .
I offered to pay them costs for repairs, let me listen to my guru's speeches and self improvement works, on my mobile "phone, please, please", but they didnt help at all.
They summarized to meant to say "BUY A NEW SET. once again ."
"Yeah ? oh yeah ?"You want me to spend $80 for a new defective product line? thanks, fool me once you are a fool, fool me twice i really become a fool.
Usually i do not take shelter with abusive language, but in their case my mind started thinking differently. I was a faithful nokia user since past decade and here in my time of need, which i am ready to pay, no help came across. One service center manager took a photograph saying he would ask the company to replace and call me. Its been months, no call came through. Least the center manager could do was call me and say e couldnt get a replacement ? too much to ask for? Todays, world seems "just pay and buy now, forget service. Thanks to foreign culture permeating the indian culture i think so. "
To make long story short, but to keep it memorized, i write it here for my own record.
I said to myself, "if NO nokia mobile, then no need for bluetooth headset.
Remove the cause, the effects will stop".
I forgave Nokia and forgot nokia, - My self concept of forgive then forget.
So the next religious opportunity i received, i changed my mobile from NOKIA to BLACKBERRY.
One thing lead to another and i bought a BLACKBERRY 9860 (Torch).
Yes, now i use a wired basic cheap headphone set and i would never ever will i allow bad customer service to affect me. Even it its at a cost. Live Life Kingsize always within your own means.
Good bye Nokia ! Hello Blackberry!