I came to follow, i found myself leading,I believe in self help being the best help. I have studied and continue to study the works of many masters /Gurus like Ariel Ford, Bob Proctor, Burt Goldman, Brian Tracy,Deepak Chopra,Jack Canfield, Larry Winget,Louise Hay,Marriane Williamson,Anthony Robbins,Og Mandino,David Hawkins,Sedona Method, Dr.Larry Dossey,Dr. Wayne Dyer,Robert Stevenson and many more.
You may connect with me at poarousasp@gmail.com
Monday, January 23, 2012
Thought of the moment:-
Change the circumstance and the result will change suitably.
I use these words in my health issues and it works for me very comfortably.
Explaination of this line to be posted later.