This review is for the 2nd workshop held at the same venue of the 1st workshop. That was a saturday, This day was a Sunday. Timing 9:30 am * amazement look* OOOhhhhhh, aaaahhhh, sunday morning !!!!!
All i can say to this is "Whuuuu bring it on !!! what a rush !!! exciting! amazing !!! good decision too!! The sweet people at ISRA at the "east meets west " welcome done, "hellooooos" said at random and seated where empty space available !!
Now i found myself in attendance on the "Louise Hay" mini workshop. New faces , new energy into the room, and yes the room was packed with energy. "Wwwwhhuuuuuuuu bring it on !!" once again.
The trainer was a nice lady who had attended the original "Louise Hay" workshop, travelled & trained across the globe. There was something simple yet magnetic about this lady. Somehow i could relate this lady was someone who walks her talk. After the first few minutes i could see this lady was in her element of training work. She knew her stuff! she had a work book in hand and all material handouts given. I could already anticipate this workshop would NOT finish off in 4 hours time !!! Was i correct? * nods head in agreement *
Few moments as usual entertained me, as i smiled to myself listening to the different participants. Some had read the works of Louise Hay and some had not. This was the bonding factor between the trainer and the people around.
Me? I choose to be silent. I kept my urge to speak out mainly because my cup was not yet full, There is a threshold of silence i choose, and then i normally burst out. My cup was NOT yet full. I need that listening, I paid money to listen ? not to speak out ? Hehehehehe!!! Jokes aside.
I listened and i heard, and i listened and i heard , a lot of knowledge flowing criss cross from trainer to the participants and from them back to the trainer. I spoke when the cup of my inner silence flowed over.
I knew what i had to take back from this workshop! I awaited for that moment. I needed some personal revision on manifestation and affirmations. The workshop unfolded and wham the time to sip tea came.
There were 2 ladies from the 1st workshop and the new participants were none the less in energy. Someone was smiling, someone was giving out grouchy suspicious looks, some were bonding, and few like me were in silence. Now amazing thing i noticed within the room.
I could write a chapter on this new finding. Power ! dare i label it ?
Within the room everyone was automatically a group.even before they realized it. The silent peeps sat together , the agressive peeps sat together, the learned sat together and the trainer gurus sat together. I noticed this within the first few moments of settling in. Now no one knew each other yet the room automatically had this configuration. Was this going to help ? I guess, lets see i said to myself.
There was a moment in the workshop which allowed us to interact with people who perceive us to be different than they are. Yet i suspected people who were the same interacted. Reason ? People hate changes. Or may be i perceived them to be same?
In the workshop, message cards were handed out to be exchanged with strangers within the room. Every one was smiling and i found one particular card come across to me exchanged 3 times right till the end of the workshop.
Ultimately when i read that card for the 3rd time , at the end of the workshop, someone asked me if they could exchange this card with theirs? I exchanged it and the new card unfolded the clues that i needed , to move ahead in life. The die was cast and the various messages was read. I could relate to the messages.
I held back till i could but then at a moment I had to speak about "attention & intention" to the group.They listened, they nodded. Even if one of them really understood this concept, they would have much more value addition in their daily life. What you put your attention on is not necessarily to be your intention. Me, i intend not to fall sick even if someone in the room has sniffling cold. My attention is on my good health not their sickness. I intend to feel happy and healthy wherever i am , with whosoever i am.
There was a fantastic exercise of "affirmation bath" wherein i found myself seated with my eyes closed surrounded by a small group of people who repeated the affirmations around me.
This was a forceful amazing powerful moment. Towards the end of this "affirmation bath" all i could do was "thank you "the people who spoke those affirmations to me. "Whhhuuuuuu" once again, amazing! I thank the people seated around me twice. It was their attention on my intention. This is a powerful moment.
Its not easy for me to keep my eyes closed in company of strangers. And this went through flawlessly no tension no pressure. May be "the power" i said previously took over and i could somehow "trust" myself to keep my eyes closed for those 2 minutes.
Later on i asked myself if i could have closed my eyes to any other 3 participants? Ummm Nopes!!this temporary bonding group was meant to be. Somehow i understood the seating arrangement that i had noticed upon the start of this workshop. They didnt plan it, i noticed it, and i felt it had to have a reason. This was the reason ? May be, may be not, who knows.
The session took well over the time allocated and the previously given handouts were helpful take outs from this workshop.
Bye bye's said and workshop done. 1 day later i found my personal space and thats when i decided a review should be posted here. This is it!