Friday, December 25, 2009

Fishes - Fishees

These are few pictures from my newly installed fish tank.  A month or so has passed and these little friends are posted. Hope these pictures bring you as much fun and joy viewing them as much as they gave me clicking them,

The Second picture trying to have all the little ones featured.

The third picture, lets try a few favourites

Fish Tank & Fishees

The Shift - Thank you - Dr.Wayne Dyer

This is what i realized and learnt today.:- The universe has everything in perfect harmony.Every individual every plant every flower every bird is perfectly where the universe's creator "intended " it to be. 

The above picture is of the movie i mentioned in the post title. 

So,this means we are all where we are supposed to be. The left hand is on your left, the right on its intended place. The hair and the balding is exactly, where it was intended to be, The eyes see color as they were meant to view. 

The intention is not the meaning. The meaning is the deciphering of that intention. Example that comes to my mind immediately is hierographics, on the egyptian pyramids.

Of course the point i try to emphasize here is "INTENTION" . Try a small example :- Intend something today, from the base of your heart mind and soul. When you intend something to happen ensure, the part called ego is not accessed. Then leave the intention. 
The day that intention comes true, come back here and read this post again.

Pure Intention is a pure force of universe, To access is NOT A SIMPLE THING. It will take time to learn to access the path to intention, then the purity of intention and finally when intention gets processed, we experience a "miracle" .


Miracles do happen, everyday someone somewhere makes a miracle. Lets try to make our own miracle today.

Watch the movie-"The Shift" by Dr.Wayne Dyer. If it doesnt make sense to you, its ok but watch it and if you feel it was a nice movie, drop me a word here.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Magical Moments

Each one of us has the capacity to give an output equal to magic. Thus magical moments,

The problem exists that we have forgotten to listen and visit those moments and take everything in life as a daily routine.

Few such "magical "moments are :-
Discovering  love for the 1st time,
Unexpected winning a million $ lottery
A job promotion
Birth of a child / Holding a new born child in your hands for the first time.
Add you own magical moments to the list.

My message to everyone is " Work your magic people, work it out".


Monday, November 30, 2009

Google Wave Invitees Available Here - Free

The reply to your "where is the google wave invite available yet ?" is HERE,

Today i have received google wave invite from the powers that be at google.

There are 8 invitees i have, so if you are interested in receiving a free google wave invite from me, kindly drop me a line with your following details :-
1) Name and picture( so i know you are who you claim to be ),
2)Location and
3)Most importantly a reason why you think i should give you a google wave invite ( This better be interesting for me to read ) <---- this is how i will decide whether to invite you to reject you.

You can send me these details via email or comments in this post.

Lets hope this google wave turns out to be interesting for us all.

My email id is

Awaiting your responses/email/comments

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This blog is worth : $312,857,143.17, Daily Pageviews: 142,857,143

Were you surprised to read the title?

Congratulations, so was I,

I really dont understand this fancy price tag, but im glad to read it. Made my evening sure.

Word of the street  and a nice heavy shout out goes to Mr.Dinesh to point this valuation out at the following website.

Read and check details of this valuation from this url.

Now if only some one would show me the money in hand $ 312,857,143.17,

Ka Ching !!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

This could be the start of a beautiful friendship -Casablanca

WHAT A DIALOGUE, even better , what a fantastic movie.

I take this dialogue from the movie "CASABLANCA" -
To know its true meaning, see this movie a minimum of three time, start to finish without interuptions of any kind.

Enjoy the movie first, then second time understand the scene to scene relation, and THEN, third time

Sit relax and enjoy the movie. I wonder why old movies have a better real and more relative to real daily life affairs than the latest block busters?

If you have seen the movie casablanca then you would definately know what i mean by this dialogue line

" This could be the start of a beautiful friendship "

Of course, for me i dedicate this line use to some of my pals/masters/gurus/mentors/friends/ from VFM, the best in the business, some even 007, some gurus in their field of passion.

Without you all this line wouldnt be mentioned here. so cheers to you all .

Noticeable name mentions, they  know, who they are and what i mean.

The best in the business "w00t" to you all , and thank you  - again my attitude of gratitude prevails.

Stay cool, some day someone somewhere will be happy with your friendship too. I am.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Life Changing Decision moments

There comes a time in every human's life, read life as "mind" when he /she has to make a decision.
"SO WHAT, I do it everyday " ? Thats what most people would immediately blurt  out whispering/screaming after reading this line.

This is the interesting part. we do it every single day, yet we do not appreciate the essence, the underyling phenomenon of life that we participate into, every single time we make a decision.

Decision affects you first as the prophet of that decision, then the people who would listen ( read /hear/imagine )to your decision.

All this starts making sense, when you make a life changing decision. A bias would change a life,either yours or either someone else's.

Qualities of a good decision that i have understood from my past experiences include :-

NONBIAS towards self or others
Non judgemental attitude

There are many things in my mind i wish to state here but then i cannot, due to variety of reasons. Making a decision is one of the most important mind energy draining states you can impose of your body. May be thats is why most people avoid or prolong decision taking daily.

A decision may make someone laugh or cry , but then, the decision is part and parcel of the universe's master plan. Even if you make a wrong decision, universe's master plan is such, the fabric weave is perfect, no mistakes seep through it.

May be thats is why the old human masters of humankind left these words for us to read and learn again and again "  As you sow, so shall you reap".

The funny thing is a non human object gives me the strength to state and laugh upon it.

Permit me to share the wordings " All Under Heaven" - To understand the essence of these 3 words, you need to see the movie -Hero - Jet Li, A chinese movie, one of my many favourites, that i've seen many times, made such an impact, 3 words is all i understood of that movie and the movie became my favourite onject of desire.

The words by themselves mean different, but when understood and seen from the movie perspective, i can only imagine, the mind of the person 3000 years back when this story is said to have taken place.

You could write it off as "hey , it's only entertainment, god sake's its a movie, get out of it" But i choose to imagine the reality of these three words said way back then, presented in an energetic form, a temporary displacement taken to present a glimpse of energy flow captured within the planet.
Someone could have said it then, and moments have gone past by. Time stood still , from that 3000 years ago till today when these three words come into my mind to guide me into the situation i stand before, to make a decision.

"All Under Heaven "- spoken by a Nameless person way back then, for I know not the name, but your fame exceeds the preservation of heaven.
Thank You, is what i type here, but most people, write back to me saying "thank you" the energy stays within us.

A decision may make someone laugh or cry , but then, the decision is part and parcel of the universe's master plan. Even if you make a wrong decision, universe's master plan is such, the fabric weave is perfect, no mistakes seep through it. May be thats is why the old human masters of humankind left these words for us to read and learn again and again "  As you sow, so shall you reap".

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Google Wave - My understanding

So there is a new technology called Google Wave,

Only 1 official website proclaims it is invite only for developers and participative, selective by them.

I found a couple of website on internet asking if you twitter them and email them and or something post somewhere, then they would send you 1 invite to google wave.

My finding :- The human mind wants what it cannot/should not/would not have.

On twitter it is a active topic/subject/trend . But most such people / sites are scam collecting genuine email ids .No invite is sent despite they proclaiming 1 hour efficiency. 
They will churn out some excuse or the other as to why the other people got it but not you. Bleh bleh blah blah as usual.Marketing gimmick !

My advice Stay away from such website and only go to the original google wave website for your wave invite. If you get it , enjoy the technology, if you dont, wait for official release.

Wishing you all a Very Happy Diwali

Dear All readers of this blog, Wishing you all a very Happy Diwali. 
Diwali is festival of lights so here we have a small light for you

Enjoy and have a fantastic day, festival or not, just enjoy the day.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

All My Twitter Posts are my original writings-Read them all in one place here

All the below mentioned are my own original tweets and i wanted to share them all together with visitors on this webpage :-

So here we are :-

What else can i offer you here?Words from me to you.The interpretation &the meaning is also yours.What can i take,when i came here to give?

Most professionals have a tough time handling a their company.The designation I shoulder with such ease carries responsibility of 3000 staff

@deepak_chopra What could i share with you? Here is my small tribute to you "Fishes dont try to swim,they swim" - - 7 earthly sunrise&sunsets later,the 2 new leaves withstanding the elements,sparkling in the noon sun.Delighted.

Follow me not,for i know not where i'll lead.I know i'll keep walking,even at times when you sleep.I walk nowhere,you'd walk distant away.

If you have the address of god,would you put it on your blog?tweet it?share it with me?i think every one has a private conversation with god
8:16 PM Oct 9th from Tweets60 We are all T.V. presentators.What happens when we dont like a channel?T.V gets switched OFF.Check if your audience has their TV set on/off.

Controversial question:Is there a god?MyControversial answer:Are your eyes open or closed?Whenever closed,can you see/imagine/dream?Open now

@sanket901 We coexist, as different lengths of the same wavelength.Everything,everybody&everyone are same.That plant or us.still the same - A new life emerged to display its share of frequencies.Today displayed as 2 leafs with dewdrop,later a tree. - A rose opened the doors of my heart this morning.Soon the doors will close. - A flower unfolds. Amazed at the richness of its colour &the beauty.Only a bee can appeciate THIS more than me.

@Deepak_Chopra A bee is always near sweet flowers. We are all bees in our favourite pictures .the nectar food makes the bee happy.

@Deepak_Chopra All wishes reside in the mind.If the eternal light ever asks you "what do you want?"One will be speechless.All that I could say "thank you".

As is the molecule, so is the body.Imagine earth as a molecule in the nervous system of god. Mind you,its just a molecule not even a drop.


Ever get the feeling god has gifted us a perfect life? And despite all our assumed imperfections, they are serving a higher unknown purpose?

Get well soon.experience and expectation met here.

The real zen master treats his/her disciples as equals.The mentor only teaches,never torments.

Participating universal synchronized destiny

Birthday is a day to express an attitude of gratitude.Thank you all for the good wishes.

Every child all around the world talks about dragons,fairies,dungeons. There's history filled with such tales. And we cant see them? Wha ...

Every child all around the world talks about dragons,fairies,dungeons. There's history filled with such tales. And we cant see them? Wh ...

A green parrot can imitate our voice yet be a bird. Who can we imitate ? Please choose a proper good role model in your life.

Weather has turbulence,we get change in emotions. 4 seasons , 4 moods whats the message here?

A green parrot and a little sparrow scream or sing their vocabulary.Merely watching them or listening their voice heals me. Small things ...

Weather has turbulence,we get change in emotions. 4 seasons , 4 moods whats the message here?

I am only a bundle of energy and information in a continum of space and time causation contained within an eternity.

Why is the sky never green? Answer;because the grass is never blue. Do think about it.

Example of distorted illusion:- 9:00 am at 9/09/09 and there will be 9:00pm on 9/09/09.

The world is a funny place.Just look around and you will see what i mean

Watch the movie "HERO" starring Jet Li. Chinese movie with english subtitles.The concept of "All under heaven" now over 1000's of years ...

The most beautiful and important parts of life are free:family,friends,love,nature,weather,god,water,space,time &continuity.And you stil ...

Who understands&appreciates symphony music better?The listening audience?the musician playing it?the composer?magic of frequency layers ...

Frequency range of human ear=16000 -40000 vibrations per second. Electricity =1000million a second.Light&Color=5billion a second

Some books choose us as their readers& then some people chose to read books.Debatable topic.Explain, why some are read 90 pages at time, ...

Putting attention on whatever i want Thoughts are currency,spend it wisely
Putting attention on whatever i want.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Developing an attitude of gratitude - Journey Starts after reaching Destination

In one of the books mentioned in an older posts, i read thrice by 3 different people "Develop An Attitude Of Gratitude". 

I thought of this and started it in my life, also thinking i have always had this habit.
Then i thought why not post a attitude of gratitude " post in my blog here and be grateful for the people who bring me happiness and smile on my face everyday. 
There were times when i resisted typing this post.

Today i take the opportunity to break the cycle and post some names of people i've never met or known ever yet im gently grateful to them in a manner unsaid or unheard of.

The drum rolls begins and i type out their names ( not necessarily in order of gratefulness)
What is important for me is i remember them all , althought i try not to miss out any names. If i do then the purpose of the post is unresolved and will not be complete.

All these people are strangers and i've never met them , yet they have played an important influence for me.

Names in my roll call of "attitude of Gratitude" - respect to you all /  bow.

1) Anthony Robbins - This is how it started more than 10 Years back , I listened to you.Rest Followed down.

2) Dr.Deepak Chopra - Synchrodestiny - Fishes dont try to swim, they swim, Birds dont try to fly they fly,

3) Dr.Wayne Dyer  - Excuses Begone ! - If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.

4) Yanni - THIS is music for the mind and soul.

5) RIL Master - Notani Ramesh, what a concept , what a mind

6) Supremo mentor - Ponmani 

7) 007 -  Sanket Desai ( look at this, his serial number is also 7 - Hihihihi syncro-destiny my friend )
8) Biggest bear i've ever read about / known Masud sayed -

9) Sharenaga - Bow of respect  inserted here, gives 2 possibilities 1 miracle 1 frustration

10)Brijsolution - Thank you kind sir ,

11)nikstrade - Whoever you are sir , God dahym !!! I AM amazed. Keep up the good work.

12)dineshrishi - dinesh dinesh dinesh , this ,sir keeps me tuning into my frequencies.

13) kavitak - Thank you for introducing "fight fight fight"

14) Anil S - magician, now you see me now you don't 

15)  KPL - Thank you for vfm 

 There are a few more names i am sure which will be added /updated. 
My journey started after reaching the destination.

Friday, October 02, 2009

2 possibilities 1 improbablity

Some news comes turns out to be bad & sad to listen.

Now opening the door of possibilities, 2 things could happen today, 

1 was a miracle 1 was a frustration

Did this bad & sad news frustrate me at first = Yes Of course

Now 1 minute ( 60 seconds later ) my learnings and mentor guidance tells me heck no, what seems like frustration today is in fact a miracle which is disguised as a frustration.

Thought about this line again and again thrice, Then decided to pen it down and put a blog post for this teaches us Learn to control the mind, let the soul and universal co-operation control the body and i am sure this frustration will turn out to be a wonderful miracle soon 

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yahoo - Sacred Car on the roadway

Parking a car in Mumbai,India ( do not know about rest of the world) is becoming something to talk about/conversation piece at lunch /dinner/ day after breakfast / tea-coffee corner chit chat and other socially acceptable occasions.

Bang head on key board and continuing the following post in the numbness ....

So You own a car ? Big deal, every one does these days.

Chances are the corner panwala owns a bigger vehicle than you, a more expensive one, chances are the guy you despise everyday, yeah the same fictional imaginary guy who quints his eyes when you pass by him, he owns a bigger stretched vehicle than yours. 
Your friend may own a vehicle larger in size,shape and price than yours.

And dont get started on which uncle in what locality owns what exotic vehicle, the same you had in your dream last night !! ( if you are a man it's easier to corelate to this last sentance :d ).

Now you own a small teensy weeny fuel efficient vehicle,   a pride symbol, something very close to your heart after all, you bought with your own money ( or are working to pay it off in monthly installment style ( do excuse the head bang, previous numbness started fading off here).

So we have a car, do we have a parking space ? The word "No" involves 2 letters, "Yes" involves 3 letters. We chose Yes and No, depending on where we are.

Outside a movie hall / office /residencial building/visiting some restaurant / new spot in town / anywhere/ everywhere/ the list continues .... so try parking your vehicle on the streets, better still make it a sunday or a holiday and add in late night time ( 11 pm would do fine).

The friendly pan spitoon friendly yet "sidey" Pay & park guy emerges from a dark corner shows up in a filthier than the rag picker on the street "uniform" shirt, with a machine in hand that makes funny noises and prints everything except your vehicle number, day,date and time. Besides that, you get some numbers which do not make any sense to any one without numbness in the forehead, the charge is always "extra".

You know its extra amount not the real amount, he knows its extra, he pretends you don't know it, and you pretend you really don't know it YET you just pay it off to him , just to get rid of the guy .

Open the door for your beloved one ( i am presuming you did not go to the movie/party/occasion that ends at night/some meaningful event..  alone you creepy mind , and if you did then you fought with the pay & park molestor  ) 

Back to the vehicle, your sanctuary of peace and solitude on the streets. That is you paid the guy Or else you could have parked your car in some discrepit lane where your stereo and tyres /car logo/ miscellaneous are stolen the moment you leave the autocop beep locked.

Now cars are very sacred to Indians, its sacred to me,  I have a bell *ting ting * in my car.  The lord is with us in our heart and car. I've seen stickers of various deities/gods/goddesses. Trucks have "Horn Ok Please" rest of us have our versions of the same. Recently i am seeing a lot of "Baby on Board" stickers. Now I need to figure out whose the bab?,  The girl driving the vehicle or is that the mother ?Couldnt figure this one out on that car atleast. Some people have a  sacred deity idol of small / medium size and i have even seen a small temple with 3 colored (red green and blue ) bling bling lights in a mercedes at a signal next to me.

The same bling bling light plastic shelter minus the lord icon  was again seen by me, second time in a Taxi.  I scratched my head both times, in the taxi due to a dirty head roof and my blading head allergy to dirty taxi roofs.

The car is a luxury not a necessity some say, but those who have 1 and only one automobile possesion claim it is a necessity not a luxury. Roads bumpy however they be a reminder of what roads used to be. Need to drive Get a road not a car is the motto the world will realize soon. ( you read this concept first here)

Pay & Park a novelty concept indeed.Pay what and park what/where/why?

 I could ramble more , but then i guess for today these words mean enough. The pain is coming back which means either i bang head on keyboard more and continue, but then that means i could need a new keyboard. :P

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Few words which mean a lot to me

We say the stars twinkle, I say the eyes blink.
So who is right and what is wrong.
We are all the same, ( the stars and us, & You and me)
Only a distance away. - Poarousasp Mistry

Synchodestiny & others

For a long time i did not possess a urge /desire to read small print.
A small funny incident ( funny when i remember the way it unfolded) happened, changing a boring & lazy sunday morning into something filled with energy & excitment.

So we went to this out of close range, far away book store and i found myself buying few books and 1 related video of some serious people who I have listened/heard about, since past 10 years.

Name of Video =

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Name of Books :-

Synchrodestiny - Dr.Deepak Chopra -
Picked up this book 1st to read, could not put it back down, read 90 pages at one go before lunch.( This is from a person who doesnt like small print !)

The power of Intention - Dr.Wayne Dyer
The Book of Secrets - Dr.Deepak Chopra
Manifest Your Destiny - Dr.Wayne Dyer
Inspiration Your Ultimate Calling - Dr.Wayne Dyer

The Ten Commitments - Dr.David Simon

Few other books that i have come across before this purchase are :-

Excuses Be gone - Wayne Dyer

Wisdom of the Ages – 60 days to enlightenment- Wayne Dyer

How to Get what you really want – Deepak Chopra

Escaping the prison of the intellect – Deepak Chopra

Training the Mind, Healing the body – Deepak Chopra

There is a spiritual solution to every problem – Wayne Dyer

I would strongly recommend these books to be read.

If you have read any of these books/titles, I would like to hear your opinions, rants about them. :)